Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What is my Identity?

This semester in school has been very stretching for me. What I mean by
"stretching" is that the semester has pushed and pulled my mind in many ways. I
have changed. I am becoming a new person. I am now in my 5th year of school, and
being a student for me means that I am constantly consuming (taking in/eating)
ideas, information, and opinions.

I think this is the job of a student. We must consume ideas, and data, but I
also think that being a "consumer" is part of being human. Everybody takes in
the world around them. We consume energy and ideas around us, and we either
waste that energy, or we use it to produce something new.

So where am I going with these ideas?

Being human, means that you will consume and produce things. My nature is to
consume. I am like a plant, consuming the sun's rays to produce my own energy.
It's almost an idea I can get from nature. It's biological.

But I think this idea of consuming is deeper than biology. I think it is in
the nature of everything in the universe. The sun produces energy because of
fusion. Fusion is a different kind of consumption because instead of tearing
apart matter, it makes a bigger molecule from smaller molecules... and yet it
still produces a huge amount of energy.

Everything besides stars consume energy by breaking apart things. Except for
humans I think. I think we also have a type of energy that we consume by
building things. When we merge ideas, we create. I've recently been merging
myself with other cultures, primarily with Chinese culture. I have been
consuming parts of Chinese culture, but at the same time that I consume that
culture I am building my own culture in me.

This is part of my identity I think. I either get my energy as a person by
taking in things (food, alcohol, feelings from people, happiness from movies and
entertainment) or I get energy from taking things and making something new (my
spiritual beliefs, learning about culture and making my own culture, taking
happiness from people and giving it back to people, encouraging people)

I think I can either consume in a negative way, or I can consume in a
positive way. I can be like a plant, or animal which just eats energy. Or I can
be like a star, eating matter, but producing lots of energy.
I wonder where I will consume energy next?
I will think about this more later... haha I don't even know if this is a
right idea...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the thoughts...interesting to think of consuming as a giving back kind of thing...but it is true in families too. Parents give the best of themselves to be consumed by their children (figuratively speaking of course, although I'm pretty sure there is some animal in the animal kingdom where the mom is food for her children.) But back to humans, the children then are "sent off" to do more than could have been done if there had not been a family. Like Jesus, giving to us... We consume of Him, and shine Him all the more when He is our everything.
